Biography/ Journey of Xu Xiang : Former Hedge Fund Manager

Biography/ Journey  of Xu Xiang :  Former Hedge Fund Manager

Biography/ Journey  of Xu Xiang :  Former Hedge Fund Manager / Life lessons / Strategies / Rise and fall / Investing / Trader

Biography of Xu Xiang :

Xu Xiang, born in February 1977 in Ningbo, Zhejiang, was once a prominent figure in China's investment world. He served as the General Manager of Zexi Investment, a well-known Chinese investment firm. Dubbed as "China's Carl Icahn," "China's Warren Buffett," and "Big Man of Private Placement," Xu Xiang garnered attention for his investment strategies and successes.

However, Xu's career took a dramatic turn on November 1, 2015, when he was arrested by the police on charges of insider trading. This arrest marked a significant downfall for Xu Xiang, once celebrated for his financial acumen and bold investment decisions.

In 2017, Xu Xiang faced the consequences of his actions as he was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. Additionally, he was fined a staggering 11 billion yuan, highlighting the severity of the legal repercussions for insider trading in China. Despite his earlier acclaim and comparisons to iconic investors like Carl Icahn and Warren Buffett, Xu Xiang's story serves as a cautionary tale about the risks and consequences of illegal financial practices in the investment world.

Biography/ Journey  of Xu Xiang :  Former Hedge Fund Manager / Life lessons / Strategies / Rise and fall / Investing / Trader

Xu Xiang: From Early Ventures to Shanghai Success

Early Life and Stock Market Beginnings

Xu Xiang, born in Ningbo, Zhejiang in 1977, began his investment journey early, skipping college entrance exams in 1993 to trade stocks. Initially using capital from his parents, he gained prominence as one of Zhejiang's top investors before 2000, managing several hundred thousand yuan.

Early Beginnings and Provincial Success

Xu Xiang, once hailed as "China's Carl Icahn," made his mark in the investment world with his sharp acumen and bold strategies. Born into privilege in Ningbo, Zhejiang, Xu's fascination with stocks began early in high school. At just 17, he skipped university entrance exams to dive into trading, using initial capital from his parents. By the late 1990s, he had established himself as Zhejiang's foremost hedge fund investor.

Establishing Zexi Investment in Shanghai

Moving to Shanghai in 2005 proved pivotal for Xu, where he founded Zexi Investment in 2009 with 30 million yuan. Despite the volatility of China's stock market, Xu's funds achieved remarkable success, generating 300% gains for select funds amid market downturns. Today, managing nearly 20 billion yuan in assets, Xu is revered as China's top hedge fund manager, his diligence and dedication earning him widespread respect among colleagues.

Diligence and Strategic Insights

Xu Xiang's success is attributed to his relentless work ethic and meticulous approach. Known for his disciplined routine of starting work promptly at 8:45 am and studying stocks late into the night, Xu eschewed vices like smoking and drinking. His singular focus on stock research and analysis, guided by comprehensive reports rather than company visits, underscored his methodical investment philosophy.

A testament to Xu's shrewdness was his ability to swiftly pivot investment decisions based on changing market dynamics. Known for making split-second reversals, Xu could opportunistically buy into distressed stocks like Chongqing Beer Group after sudden declines, turning substantial profits. Despite occasional losses, Xu's strategy of doubling down on promising firms or swiftly liquidating underperforming stocks underscored his adaptability and risk management skills.

Biography/ Journey  of Xu Xiang :  Former Hedge Fund Manager / Life lessons / Strategies / Rise and fall / Investing / TraderBiography/ Journey  of Xu Xiang :  Former Hedge Fund Manager / Life lessons / Strategies / Rise and fall / Investing / Trader

Xu Xiang's journey from a provincial trader to a Shanghai mogul embodies the essence of strategic investing in China's dynamic financial landscape. His legacy, tarnished by allegations of insider trading and subsequent detention, serves as a cautionary tale of the high stakes and risks inherent in the world of high finance.

Shanghai Career and Business Expansion

In 2005, Xu Xiang relocated to Shanghai, where he immersed himself in stock trading. Known for his rigorous schedule—starting work early and often studying stocks late into the night—he founded Zexi Investment in 2009 with 30 million yuan. Under his leadership, funds like Zexi No. 1 and Zexi No. 3 saw remarkable growth, reportedly increasing by about 3,000% since 2010. His success amassed a substantial fortune for himself and his relatives, totaling US$2.2 billion.

Controversies and Legal Issues

Rumors of regulatory scrutiny emerged in July 2011, alleging investigations into Zexi Investment's operations. Xu Xiang denied any wrongdoing at the time. However, in 2015, during a stock market crash, he faced allegations of market manipulation, marking a turning point in his career and leading to subsequent legal challenges.

Xu Xiang: The Journey from Provincial Trader to Shanghai Mogul

Early Life and Stock Market Beginnings

Xu Xiang's journey into the world of finance began unexpectedly when he bypassed college exams in 1993 to dive headfirst into stock trading in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Initially funded by his parents, he swiftly rose to prominence as a skilled investor, managing significant sums of money by the turn of the millennium.

Shanghai Career and Business Expansion

By 2005, Xu Xiang had relocated to Shanghai, a move that marked a pivotal moment in his career. Known for his tireless work ethic and deep immersion in stock analysis, he founded Zexi Investment in 2009 with an initial capital of 30 million yuan. Under his guidance, funds like Zexi No. 1 and Zexi No. 3 achieved astounding growth, reportedly increasing in value by approximately 3,000% since 2010. His achievements contributed to a combined family fortune estimated at US$2.2 billion.

Controversies and Legal Issues

Despite his success, Xu Xiang's career was marred by controversy. In July 2011, rumors surfaced of regulatory investigations into Zexi Investment, though Xu vehemently denied any illegal activities. However, the peak of his troubles came in 2015 during a tumultuous stock market crash. Accusations of market manipulation surfaced, casting a shadow over his reputation and resulting in significant legal battles that altered the course of his career and life.

Biography/ Journey  of Xu Xiang :  Former Hedge Fund Manager / Life lessons / Strategies / Rise and fall / Investing / Trader

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