The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

 The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

Journey of Benjamin Chemla

Benjamin Chemla is a French entrepreneur and investor. He's known for starting businesses and supporting new ventures. Right now, he's leading a company called Shares, which helps people invest in Europe.

Benjamin Chemla is the co-founder and CEO of Shares. As CEO, he's responsible for leading the company. This means he makes important decisions about its direction and strategy. Benjamin Chemla has had a journey as an entrepreneur. He's been involved in various projects and startups, using his skills and experience to bring new ideas to life. In addition to running his own company, Benjamin Chemla is also a business angel. This means he invests in other businesses and helps them grow. His support can be crucial for startups looking to succeed.

Benjamin Chemla's Academic and Professional Journey

Educational Pursuits

In 2010, Benjamin Chemla earned his first master's degree in business law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Following this, he pursued a second master's degree in business law with a specialization in e-commerce and the digital economy in the subsequent year.

Entrepreneurial Focus

In 2012, Chemla pursued his interest in entrepreneurship by obtaining a specialized master's degree from ESCP Business School. Concurrently, he gained admission to the Paris Bar School, signaling a pivotal phase in his legal career.

Legal Credentials and Philanthropic Endeavors

Continuing his professional journey, in 2013, Chemla completed the Certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocat (CAPA) at the Paris Bar School, thereby securing his qualifications to practice law. Beyond his academic and professional endeavors, Chemla actively serves as an Ambassador of Epic Foundation and Institut Curie, underscoring his dedication to philanthropy and social responsibility.

Benjamin Chemla's Journey: From Aspiring Lawyer to Entrepreneur

Benjamin Chemla's career trajectory took a significant turn within just two hours of starting his first job, solidifying his aspiration to become an entrepreneur. Driven by an early desire to pursue a career in law, Chemla enrolled at Sorbonne at the age of 18, where his passion for advocacy and public speaking flourished.

However, the realities of a career in business law failed to meet Chemla's expectations, leading to disillusionment with the impersonal nature of the corporate environment. On his first day at a business law firm after seven years of legal studies, Chemla's dissatisfaction reached a tipping point, prompting him to make the bold decision to leave the company at noon, marking the end of his brief venture into traditional legal practice.

The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

Despite this setback, Chemla's departure from the corporate world served as a catalyst for his entrepreneurial journey, reaffirming his determination to pursue a career path where he could directly engage with clients and make a meaningful impact.

The Early Days of Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Triumphs

Benjamin Chemla embarked on his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 23, armed with a plethora of startup ideas in a time when entrepreneurship wasn't as widely embraced as it is today.

Initially met with skepticism from friends and family, who mistook his entrepreneurial spirit for unemployment, Chemla persevered, immersing himself in the startup life for 18 months. Operating from an office in the basement of his business school, Chemla and his team navigated the challenges of startup life, paying a nominal fee of €100 a month until they secured their first round of funding.

With an initial investment of €400,000, Chemla recalls the painstaking process of convincing investors, often making calls for as little as €5,000, tirelessly selling his story and vision. Despite facing rejections, his unwavering determination led to triumph, with one investor ultimately coming on board after a persuasive follow-up.

For Chemla, success in entrepreneurship transcends monetary gains; it's about bringing people into your vision and fostering meaningful connections with investors and staff. This journey of connection and persuasion has been a constant for Chemla, reinforcing the importance of both selling ideas and negotiating deals with caution.

The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

Entrepreneurial Ventures of Benjamin Chemla

Launching Citycake

In January 2012, Benjamin Chemla co-founded Citycake, an online delivery business based in Paris, alongside Ralph Guyot-Jeannin, an ESCP Business School graduate.

Funding and Expansion

In 2013, Citycake secured funding from Investessor, a network of business angels, enabling the startup to grow its team and strengthen its financial position.

Acquisition by Resto-In

In 2014, Resto-In acquired Citycake, leading to Benjamin Chemla's appointment to oversee Resto-In's operations in France and Belgium.

The Emergence of Stuart

In January 2015, Benjamin Chemla and Clément Benoît launched Stuart, a leading European last-mile B2B delivery platform.

Rapid Growth and Investment

Within four months of its launch, Stuart raised 22 million euros in funding, facilitating its expansion into multiple countries and the recruitment of new personnel.

The idea was to create a safe environment and strict community guidelines have been implemented. Any profile on Shares has to be validated and fake profiles are impossible. Portfolios are monitored if someone is promoting a decision and the concept will protect users from fake information and news.

We have communities around discussions and interests. Our first was based on female CEOs and founders where we had a lot of traction. It’s about how you present yourself to the world and these are just the seeds before the magic happens, while having Venus and Serena Williams as shareholders and the faces of the company says a lot about what we are trying to achieve.

Like any startup, it’s like a wild animal in the first few years. You know where it starts but not where it ends. It evolves over time and I’d like to say that Shares will never finish as a product. We are adding assets all the time. We started with US stocks, but already we are working on NFTs, Cryptos and European stocks

Transition and New Ventures

In 2017, Geopost, a subsidiary of La Poste, acquired Stuart, prompting the departure of its founders after a brief transition period. Following this, Benjamin Chemla and Clément relocated to the United States.

Establishment of Fithouse

Later in 2017, Benjamin Chemla and Clément embarked on a new venture in the US, founding Fithouse, a chain of gyms based in New York. Despite initial success, the business ceased operations by the end of 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creation of Shares

In April 2021, Benjamin Chemla, along with partners Harjas Singh and François Ruty, established Shares, an online investment platform aimed at providing accessible investment opportunities.

Initial Funding and Launch

In August 2021, Shares secured a $10 million seed round of funding before officially launching its product. The platform quickly gained traction and garnered significant attention from investors.

Rapid Growth and Expansion

Within a short span, Shares successfully raised $40 million in Series A funding, followed by an equal amount in Series B funding. The platform expanded its operations, launching in the UK during the summer of 2022 and subsequently entering the French market in July 2023.

The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

Benjamin Chemla: A Visionary Entrepreneur Leading

Benjamin Chemla, a Parisian entrepreneur, serves as the CEO and co-founder of Shares, Europe's pioneering 'social-trading' app. Since its launch in the UK, Shares has rapidly garnered over 250,000 users. Recently, Shares secured an additional $40 million in funding as part of its Series B raise, bringing the total investment to $90 million in just 14 months. This impressive feat was led by Valar Ventures, the venture capital firm founded by Peter Thiel.

Prior to his role at Shares, Chemla demonstrated his entrepreneurial prowess by launching Stuart in 2015, an on-demand delivery platform. Stuart raised €22 million even before its official launch and later saw acquisition by La Poste. Under Chemla's leadership, Stuart expanded its operations to over 100 cities, employing over 900 individuals.

Benjamin Chemla's Investment Ventures

  • In 2016, Benjamin Chemla initiated investments across diverse sectors, including transportation, entertainment, and e-commerce. His portfolio encompassed Everoad (later acquired by Sennder), Cultur'In The City (acquired by Wonderbox), Virtuo, Molotov TV (acquired by FuboTV), and Epicery (later acquired by Stuart).
  • Expanding his investment horizon in 2017, Chemla diversified his portfolio by backing emerging startups such as PayLead, Hugging Face, Whoz, Relationship Hero, and Cosmo Connected. 
  • In 2018, Benjamin Chemla further broadened his investment portfolio with the addition of Fumé, indicating his sustained interest in supporting innovative ventures.
  • The year 2021 witnessed Benjamin Chemla's continued commitment to investment, with contributions to Pokmi, Timeleft, Pallas Paris, P00LS, and PaySika, reflecting his strategic diversification across various sectors.
  • In 2022, Benjamin Chemla persisted in his investment activities, demonstrating support for promising startups like Kinetix, Delta Business School, Origins Fund, Pixmania, Flowdesk, Gekko, MetaFight, and Formance, underscoring his dedication to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

Benjamin Chemla: A Visionary Entrepreneur

Benjamin Chemla has a rich history of building and leading successful teams and companies, spanning over a decade, across Europe and the United States.

As a French serial entrepreneur and certified business angel, Benjamin's expertise lies in business law, providing him with a strong foundation for navigating complex regulatory landscapes. He demonstrated this skill with the launch of Stuart, an on-demand delivery platform, at the onset of the gig economy's rise. Stuart raised €22M before its launch and was later acquired by La Poste, expanding its operations to over 120 cities with a workforce of over 750 employees.

At, Benjamin is once again at the forefront of innovation, spearheading a transformative community-based service. With a talented and determined team, he is pushing boundaries to realize a new vision. has secured $90M in funding from notable investors such as Valar Ventures (led by Peter Thiel), Singular, Global Founders Capital, and Red Sea Ventures.

Benjamin Chemla's Insights on Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Benjamin Chemla emphasizes the importance of hiring the right people and learning from them, whether they are superiors or direct employees. Despite his knack for making swift decisions, he acknowledges the value of continuous learning and listening from individuals who possess greater expertise.

At Shares, Chemla has assembled a team comprising professionals from esteemed companies such as Revolut, Monzo, and Bumble, each contributing significant expertise to the venture.

Reflecting on two distinct types of founders, Chemla aligns himself with the latter category—those driven to innovate and solve problems across various industries. His entrepreneurial journey has seen him traverse diverse sectors, from logistics to fitness, with Shares representing his vision for the future of finance.

Despite initial skepticism from investor friends regarding Shares, Chemla's conviction ultimately led to their involvement in the venture. He underscores the long and unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the centrality of people in the journey. While setbacks and failures are inevitable, Chemla advocates for decisive decision-making, prudent investment in people, and the willingness to pivot when necessary, embodying his key learnings from years of entrepreneurial experience.

 The Fortunes of Benjamin Chemla: A Journey through the World of Investment

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